I had a show, an animated character named TwigSnapButtCrack, a website (which is gone now, but replaced by several others) and I was busy, busy, busy with all sorts of creative endeavors and it was difficult to do with outdated, inadequate equipment and all by myself. I found info on the web on how to do everything I wanted to do, starting as far back as 1998. I built my own computer, I started my own in home business while constantly battling with a degenerative disease that was eating away at my spine, battling with men who couldn't stand that I didn't really need them for what they were so used to be needed for. I was in my prime.
Then all hell broke loose. The room I was renting and doing all this in was located in a house of another man who was dealing with some very serious insecurity issues. He was constantly spying on me and trying to get my attention, constantly starting loud, obnoxious projects right in line of my room, I suspect so that he could spy on me. I put up with it for as long as I could and then I discovered he was poisoning the pond in the back yard with an algaecide and my dog always drank from that pond. This concerned my greatly. He was always doing that, putting chemicals where animals and humans might be effected without caring what he was doing.
Here is the warning on the label:

Clearly, it does seem to be a threat to my dog. My dog and I were both getting strange skin irritations. When I confronted my room mate about it, he acted flippant as usual and said there was no harm. Then while I was in my room on the phone, I saw him go and dump the entire bottle in the pond as if to say, he just didn't care if I or my dog were injured by this. He knew I saw him and I believe he had a severe hatred for me because I wouldn't let him get away with the many other things he had intended to. So, after 3 years of near peaceful existence I planned to move. This was not something I enjoyed. And it would not be pleasant. As I will continue in my next post.