Tuesday, May 8, 2012

From All Sides

In a forum about a Resource Based Economic Model for the world, some questions came up. Question #1 How can we afford to do this if we have all been robbed? (By banks and governments, of course) Answer: How can you not afford this? Are you willing to see what they will take next in hopes for a few crumbs to feed on? I know I am answering the question with a few more questions, but you have to admit, you are wondering already. What more can they take from me? Don't wait for anything. Abundance may seem unrealistic, but it is obtainable, as it was originally. What you need is to align with your neighbors, your friends. There are a number of groups and communities that you can reach even online that could fit your time frame, reasoning and areas of interest. Co-op housing, co-op solar farms, open source manufacturing and eco-systems. Everything can be found on line, tools can be shared and many, even under educated people can help organize. So there is really no excuse for scarcity any longer. There is no excuse for doing things the old way, waiting for someone else to do it for you. You are as free as you choose to be, so... There's NO WHINING with ABUNDANCE! Question #2 Should I vote for Ron Paul or Mitt Romney? Answer: Why vote at all? If voting actually changed anything, they would have made it illegal by now, don't you think? Look, no matter what you think, the banker's bitch is going to win. That is assured. When you switched from Republican to Democrat to vote for Obama because he was the one saying he was going to change everything, stop the wars, bring the troops home, give everyone healthcare and all that crap, as soon as he stepped into office, what did he do? He let the bankers whip him into shape. The banker's pulled a fast one on all of us and Obama had no choice but to make sure they came first, remember. You're just a measly minded voter, who cares what you think. Right? Besides, the United States of America is a corporation. Who listens to the workers of a corporation? It'a the shareholders of a corporation who get to vote because their money invested in that corporation and they get a cut of the returns, so if you are a citizen inside the corporation that is the U.S., you should be wondering, who are the shareholders that are voting your nation will lose and you out of a job and how high your taxes will be and how long you will be allowed to live? Who are these shareholders that hold your future in their hand? That's the question you should be asking. Question #3 What is this Resource Based Economic Model for the world? How is science better for the world than politics? Answer: Specifically, science has far more answers than you do anyway or your chosen political candidate. Who needs city resolutions that govern where you are allowed to plant trees on your property when science can tell you where is the best spot on your property to plant a tree and science can tell you which tree is best to plant, because it can analyze your soil and evaluate where the sun shines best and how much sun any plant should have. Elected officials don't know these things, they only make rules that help those contractors that have given them the most money to win your vote, so what kind of garden or yard do you think you can have with that? I'll tell you what your yard will look like if you vote, a yard with nothing but grass you can't eat with political sign s posted at the curb. And you can't eat those either. Voting does not add abundance to any neighborhood. Just more rules, more taxes and less money and less food.

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