Sunday, July 29, 2012

Time to Tell

Low income areas are areas that do not have jobs. People who cannot work gravitate to those areas because they cannot pay. Since NAFTA was passed in the USA and manufacturers started fleeing the US and employing cheaper labor and less regulatory restrictions, this left millions in America without a job and without the ability to pay, so... They either struggled through it, moved to a lower income area, got on welfare or disability, continued to try and get a job in a highly competitive job market place or both and, or went into drug dealing or another kind of criminal behavior to survive. Yes, this shit has been going on for decades and yet the last thing anyone did was march or protest to their government that they were in trouble, because, this was America, America, land of the free was never supposed to be seen as, "in trouble". Okay? You were suppose to be a law abiding, contributing part of your community not a loafer. (HEAD SHAKES!!) Loaferism ...I just termed that...That is the American way. We were supposed to be loafing in front of our tv screens as the screens got larger and our economy got smaller and we were never suppose to notice it until it was too late and the trash started breaking in through the window.
Well...That day is here.

The Elizabeth Short murder case in 1947. The Black Dahlia case.

Details of the autopsy are not well known to most people, even of that time, but it was clearly sensationalized by the media, getting the public talking and distracted to the point of distraction.


This strange unknown girl, literally unknown, un-famous and probably almost forgotten while she was living, ended up in the hands of some pretty insane, homicidal forces. The particular blogged I've linked you to suggests that investigators thought that the brutality of the crime, the extent of injuries she suffered should be evidence that she knew her killer. I disagree. That has no baring whatsoever. And, the fact that the body was cleaned and put on display in a public place to be easily found is not something a person known to her would do if they did not want to be caught or if they acted out of a passionate rage. The killer(s) knew they would not be caught. They knew that the investigators would follow the silliest little leads, even the numerous men that called in to claim they killed her could have been distractions.

The fact that her body was discovered in an open place should be significant to some detectives. The killer wanted the body to be found and the murder to be sensationalized. Her mouth slashed at the corners to make for a gruesome portrait was not just to scare you. It was instrumental to what was done. Being that excrement and grass and debris was found filling her intestines, she had to have consumed piles of, well, shit. It would not be spoon fed, rather her mouth was strapped open to allow for a pipe (maybe) to deliver the shit down her throat and into her stomach. Another hole was found in her lower abdomen, (more shit, more debris). But at the time there were no scientific rape kits to determine where the grass and shit came from, or any semen analysis or DNA analysis, but that would not have mattered either I think, because she was hungry all the time and could have been lured into a situation where the person or person's responsible for causing her death may not have been the same person or persons who led her to it.
Having her cut in half at the waist line seemed to be for convenience in storing and transporting her body to the place it was to be found. But, I think, it was a a clear message to somebody that this was done and could be done and the person who needed to know this (or persons) were in Los Angeles at the time.
So, maybe, although detectives were not so inclined to see this, maybe some did think it, but even if they had analyzed the excrement that filled her intestines, they would not have caught the killer, or killers.

What was happening in the world in, or around 1947? The beginning of the ... The Cold War

**** Senator Estes Kefauver political barrage against pornography and organized crime, anti trust legislation of which crusades brought charges against Irving Klaw's studios employing model's such as Bettie Page. The trial against Irving Klaw's studio or business resulted in some of the photos and negatives developed be destroyed.
[Sometime between 1947 and 1950, Irving Klaw was approached by a prominent lawyer with some "special needs." He offered to pay all the costs if Klaw would produce original bondage pictures for him. Klaw would retain the rights.]
study Irving Klaw, and who that prominent lawyer was...Irving was just trying to make money, a living, but he was the only one that was used to get national attention about obscenity. Who was that lawyer? Why were pin-up girls being painted on the sides of war planes? Senator Estes was just trying to deal with the overwhelming task of keeping the American economy wholesome and without monopolization of corporations, including pharma, which eventually went from bad to worse over the next fifty years. So what is going on? What went on?

This was time of demonization of the pinko, the red army. the leftists, the commies. Want to keep war going on between nation states and within the nation, but ...Now the competition between corporations and nation states is not working out for anyone.

Then there is the decision of lawmakers to place the Jewish people and Israel in what was known as Palestine in 1948. I don't think it had anything to do with that. Perhaps it was just a message to the LAPD that organized crime was in L.A. ...

Friday, July 27, 2012

The End of the World as We've Known It

Last night, watched Chris Hedges on Bill Moyers & Company. Chris, or should I say Mr. Hedges is a gleaming light of hope for me. He is strong, intelligent and a true human with an incredible heart.
Please find and share the show, the interview, his new book.

It's very important, even if it is so depressing to think that the end of the world as we've known it is HERE!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Dude, you don't need money. Well, alright for the interim. But while we wait for the financial institutions to fall and the government to stop raving about the national debt and being literal asses, we use what we got. To do what with?
Plant your little heart out. You might as well, it can't hurt none. Buy as many organic seeds and soil as possible. Get as much information as possible on how to get a garden growing. Teach your neighbors if they ask how you did it.
Gather rain water in bucket and bails, look up systems that you can either replicate or rig on your own using what supplies you already have. There is no telling what creative thing you will come up with. I dare you not to go to the store for supplies.
Yes, this can be a free society. You start with yourself and talk to everyone who seems interested.

Let's see what have we got here. Garlic that sprouted from the refrigerator placed in a cup of water for about a week, transferred to small pot of dirt. (We'll see how that goes. Sweet Potato ends cut and placed in water to sprout roots. Onions placed in water to form roots, grows chives for me to eat fresh when they are ready and I want them. (all in stuff I either saved instead of thrown away) Radish seeds have sprouted. Avocado seeds have sprouted.

The avocado seeds from the veggies bought from the store I placed the seeds in my dirt bed and kept them warm. WARM is the thing, not just water, sunlight and dirt. Warm, dark place is good to germinate. Yes sunlight is great, not just for rays, but warmth.

forgive the out of focus, but this is just a month or so ago, before I even had pots to plant in. I took the remainder of a bag of organic soil and started a couple of organic tomato seed. Tomatoes grow rapidly if you don't fry them in the hot sun and give them good water and a filtered place to thrive.
this is the plant a month later (between June and July)

And for the finale, the Moringa Oleifera, (seeds sent to me from unknown person). They said it was touchy. I used my natural charm.

I always save my egg shells for calcium and my coffee grounds for nitrigen and all my natural fruit and veggie food scraps for more organic material to add to the soil or my compost. A compost heap is full of heat and energy, so look for the numerous ways you can do it.
But, I'm a radical type person who looks for information everywhere. Currently, I spend every penny on things I need. I don't save or feed the pig, the pig is never satisfied and currently turning my savings into losses, for whatever reason, no one can tell. Because they can't give it up. Murderous instincts. Tradition. Who cares anymore, I'm growing what I know is going to bring value to me.

Break for now Chaps. *****

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Spirit of the Stream

It's working. The impact is penetrating. Of course, they shot themselves in the foot. Both feet as a matter of fact. That was helpful. So what I try to say to people and I say it quickly, because I know their mind is broken and focused on something else almost immediately, I say, "Well...what do you need?"
The movement started very slow with just a handful of people who worked diligently with the helpful add-ons of what big business thought was going to be beneficial to them. I wrote to Peter and said, "this thing is going to take of like a rocket...", but forgot to add that a rocket takes off slowly, loudly with lots of smoke and greater disturbance, but when it finally gets off the ground and into the wide open space, it really sails. Suddenly and without warning, the new technologies worked for a much larger group of people that came out of the small handful only a few years ago. Ustream takes large amounts of money from Phillips 66 to advertise, but the people don't care about the advertisement. The advertisements are losing their effect. It's just money that big companies are spending with new media companies that are not going to see the same kind of returns they were getting on paid cable, because the internet culture has a far shorter attention span anyway and moves on to their next interest whenever they want. Coca-Cola promotes itself on Twitter and gets replies instantly that they suck and are an intrusion. That's not the same kind of quiet love they were getting from their Saturday morning spots. No one was instantly talking back to them before. Everything old is not new again. That's the best part of this break. We cannot rely on a steady stream of anything. We just have to be agile and alert while the waves keep coming and going. The shift is not just intangible, it's impregnable because it's so intangible. Big companies and their big money will last only as far as their money does and it is becoming less and less important to have. Even for really poor people who have very little money, they have always known how to depend on themselves and the few resources they have had access to, they are seeing a greater amount of access to what they need as large companies are now trying to be charitable for public relations purposes and more open minded people who have had their eyes opened. It is truly amazing, but it is happening. Those who still want to argue that money can be saved if we are just more responsible with it, lose their argument, in their own beds at night while they are thinking. They are not even in a debate anymore. In their quietest moments, they know. They don't know what to do, but they know. It cannot be saved, because even if we wait for more sensible currency to take form, it won't make it to the finish line before the creators of the new form of life will have already begun showing up and shining. So what if they don't know what love is yet. You grow into it. And this time, no one will have to beat you up to prove it. They will not be able to subject you because they will need you.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Occupy Wall St - The Revolution Is Love


Monday, July 9, 2012

Amazing Vandana Shiva Slams Monsanto at Rio+20 Conference 2012

We must forge forward with as many organic plantings that we can manage. I read in the comments under the article regarding Biotech companies seeking protection from Congress in truthout, that Congress needs to be occupied and this was true a couple of years ago, but now, we cannot wait any longer. We cannot fear their threats. Will the brave ones please stand up and move into position. More people are realizing that staying silent, sitting on our hands is literally taking our lives quicker and quicker.

Thank heaven for Vadana Shiva!

List for Life

Sometimes I just have to put myself to bed and hope for a better tomorrow. I can't go back. I can never go back and do things over. I can only move forward. Today was a day a failed experiments and I didn't learn much. Then I'm left with memories. Memories of how it used to be. The past is always real while the future seems uncertain. The only thing I can be sure of in the future is that I'm going to die. I may try to accomplish this or I can try to accomplish that, but for certain, I am going to die and sometimes it seems that I am racing to beat that clock. Racing to do all the things I want before death happens. Some call that the bucket list. I make one almost everyday, at the end of the day, for the next day, so I manage to get those three things done because I know I only have so much time and relaxing is not going to help me, but it's never an item I put on the list, because it's always something I am fighting not to do. It doesn't help me accomplish anything. This is where I'm wrong. I am becoming wrong. My thinking is strained. I've lost my path and I suppose that's okay. Routine is something you try to make, but life always gets in the way. How wonderful. So my list should look like this:
Live life
Enjoy your day