Monday, November 1, 2010

Friday, April 2, 2010

Women Do Not Like War

Women do not like war. That's a fact. And the reasons women do not like war should be extensively obvious. They are messy, they stink and they are loud. But, even more so, they hurt our children. Need I say more?

No more WAR! Or, no more children for you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Reading the Best Anarchy Has To Offer

Of course, Emma Goldman is this readers first choice...

Let's start here.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Zeitgeist

Hello World

Wouldn't it be nice to eliminate poverty, crime and war?

Yes, it would.

Welcome to Trobe, Taunia Roberts' Zeitgeist Blog. In this blog, I will be posting information and insights into the New World of Peace and Sustainability by reporting on The Zeitgeist Movement's progress and opinions.

Also, since there has been a serious outcry for more females to join and become active in the movement, I will be reporting from the female perspective, since I am female and I have my specific opinions.

If males really want to get our attention and show us their value, they're going to have to wise up to this idea and listen more to our desires, instead of assuming we are all in line with what they want. Not to say that men of The Zeitgeist Movement aren't brave enough or smart enough, they are, but to appeal to the mindset of men of yesterday to step over into the new realm of thinking for their ladies. Hey, and if you are gay, you'll find some benefits to this information as well.

Are you ready? I sure hope so.