Friday, December 21, 2012
Americans Chained by Illusion | Brainwash Update
There was really never anything wrong with me. My parents lied because they were lied to. The doctors lied because that is what they were taught to do. And, even as I thought I was interested in justice, the law enforcement ranks were also a HUGE lie that I began to parrot out and thought it gave me some authority. It did not. My brain could not hold those constructs upright for long because I wouldn't stop thinking or asking questions, being as curious as a cat. I couldn't stop making the turns into those dark places where I hoped to find another story, another plateau.
I stopped along the way to enjoy what brought pleasure to my senses. I experimented and made mistakes, but found out that those mistakes were sometimes well worth it. I punished myself, forgave myself, punished other people, forgave other people, kept and let go of things and people. I was a galactic system all my own, attracted to another's gravity, but then foresaw the disaster of our unity and made my choices to stay or go, one way or the other based on my knowledge and plans and needs and desires. I am where I am now not because of someone else's fault, not because of my own faults, because I made my own decisions and whether they were bad or good doesn't really come into play, because what is important to me is that whatever I allowed to influence me to make any decision was mostly my own choice, based on what I knew to be true at the time. Either that, or I didn't care what the consequences would be. And, I don't expect that anyone will choose to be either that happy or that cruel unless it means that much to them as it did to me.
(to be continued)
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The Last Road Run (Thanksgiving Day)
I don't know if I can go on to express myself about this day, because I don't remember much about it. I may have blocked out the loneliness and betrayal I must have felt (the way I often do), having arrived only the night before to be so happy to see my child all grown up and living on his own, in his own apartment. I am so feverishly proud of him.
But, I seem to still be guilt ridden over my estranged lifestyle choices that he seems to be able to punish me for, or stand less by my side for whatever reason pops up.
He asked me that night, after toting all my bags in and taking my dog for a walk for me, "I was planning to go into Dad's tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner, and they have invited you."
I was a little shocked, "What?" I looked at him. "But...You knew I was coming to be here on this day. How could you make plans to be somewhere else?"
He didn't grasp my feelings at all. He was flippant. "I thought you would want to go where I am going."
"No." I made away, sat on the couch, looking further up at him. "No. I thought you would want to stay here with me or we could go out to dinner together. I guess we should have discussed this. I never thought you would make plans to be with your Father when you knew I was coming." I was starting to get angry. "He gets you or gets to see you all the time, you live in the same state. He's had access to you everyday since you were eight. Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"
"He just called the other night and asked."
"So, he found out that I was coming and had to make his claim and get first dibs on you? Of course."
"No. It's not like that."
"Yes it is my Dear. A lot you know about it." He had managed to destroy me again. I buried my face in my hands and cried. "I can't believe this..."
My son was silent. I straightened up. Filed away the tears. "No. You go if you must and I know you must because you have to honor your Father because he demands it and manipulates you in ways you have no ideas about. I am not going. I will stay here with my dog and wait. What else can I do?"
"We can go together." He replied sweetly.
"No." I concluded. "I will not go to have dinner at your Father's house."
"I have to go. All my cousins and Aunt Sharon will be there."
"Of course. There is no way I am going to sit with a bunch of people who willfully meant to humiliate me and take you away from me."
"What are you talking about?"
"Of course, you don't know, you were there but you were a child, only interested in toys and they had all of them, didn't they? Big plastic and little plastic toys which you now have stored in several hundred plastic crates in a garage, but no honor for your Mother. No! You go to see cousins that you have seen every year at every holiday and be there with them instead of me who has to leave the very next day. That's how it has been, that's how it shall forever be."
He had a couple of tears rolling down, but it would not change the course I knew. And, I for one cannot stand to see him cry, so I lightened up, even though the massive volcano inside me was ready to erupt. "I am going to take a shower if you don't mind."
"Sure." He smiled and nodded, willing to forget.
That is one of the main reasons I refuse this "so-called" holiday, aside from the fact that it is a replacement traditional gig to maybe help us forget about the millions of indigenous Native Indians that were slaughtered to make way for the American dream of Wall Street's trading practices and endless rows of plastic. They make plastic soldiers with guns and in bright colored uniforms, plastic masks for Halloween, plastic Christmas trees and plastic bulbs that do not break. They even make plastic hearts that do not break for Valentine's Day.
Wow. So wonderful.
The Last Road Run (Day Fuzzy)
Sorry, kids, although I kept all the receipts in a folder and took pictures of various sites, I never really got the chance to take them all out and arrange them, because my planned trip to NY with a stop over in Chicago to see my son before on or before Thanksgiving was really turning out to be quite the nightmare.
Before I go on to explain the frightening bits about Chicago I want to tell you how heart broken I was that my son, whom I hadn't seen for nearly 3 years would leave me on Thanksgiving Day to spend the time with his father. His father, who had gotten residential custody of him when he was 8 years old. His father, who had made me move from my birth place in California to Chicago, Illinois and then made mincesmeat out of me during our divorce, used his son's own urine to pass a drug test to get a job and everyday wanted to belittle me for trying to raise my son with a different set of values then his. His father, who would cling to his sister for support and blame me for his inabilities while forcing me to do it his way or else. His father, who had accosted me in the parking lot of our mediator to try and force me to believe that I could keep my son if I sold the car or sign it over to him.
Things I felt then and still feel now, being most disgraceful, to bargain away your son for fear that you will be left with a bad credit rating over the payments of a car not being made on time or at all. Hideous!!! Not that his bargaining would even be truly honored in the end. Most likely, he was just baiting me to see what I would do, if I would fall for it. And, even upon entering Dr. Dimitri's office afterward, in such a state of hysterics, you would think that the Dr. would have some sympathies toward what I was going through, but NO, the Dr. went on to make me feel even worse of a person for trying to stand my ground under extreme pressures and intimidation tactics. Fucking Illinois.
But, my son doesn't know these things, he only remembers how his father used to bring him a plastic Ninja Turtle every week as some sort of consolation prize for having poor parents, who couldn't win no matter what. It wasn't because neither of us was able to make enough money, it was because the United States of America was lying to it's own citizens through the news and by shoving cheap tv shows and food in front of our faces and expecting us to be happier about it, while people in Congress and the White House were making deals with Wall Street and foreign countries since the beginning and no one would ever be the wiser.
I entered Illinois again for the first time since 1989, only on the south end of the state. After going through Springfield, I was too terribly excited to stop for the night, and I wished to make up for the lost day that I had forgotten I had on my agenda. I wanted to make it into Chicago by night fall and see the kid. How awfully painful it was though for my back. I was really risking it. REALLY risking it. Even with my glasses on, I fail to see properly in the dark and the long stretches of highway were soon to become short, crowded sections of tollways. I had forgotten about this part to my dismay.
The first toll I would encounter was the worst. First it is completely dark now and I have to follow the ruby lights filing into a single lane and go from 30 miles an hour to 55 miles an hour, which is actually pulling me into an 80 mile an hour herd of cars for a couple of miles to all of a sudden stop and throw some change in a bin. I realized I had forgotten the change for the bin and as I was forced to stop at the unmanned toll booth that suddenly flashed brightly into my eyes, probably taking my picture. I wish I had a copy of that picture to share with you, it has to be the least flattering picture ever taken of me. My glasses on crooked, my hair tied back, my mouth wide open, screaming, and my eyeballs as red as the car lights ahead of me.
Not like this one:
The Last Road Run (Day 4 & 5 & 6)
Somewhat of a blur. I do remember forgetting that I had forgotten an entire state that I had to travel through to get into Chicago. How that happened, I've no idea. How does someone forget about an entire travel day when the whole trip was planned so succinctly prior to? I have to say, that maybe it was because I was so anxious to see my one and only son again, that I conveniently chose to forget the state of Missouri as a whole day to travel because I wanted to be in Chicago already.
I forgot about it even as I was traveling through it and I even got lost and couldn't find my Motel. It was unbelievable. I was near panic stricken.
Once you get past the Texas panhandle and start traveling east, up through Missouri and Oklahoma, or Oklahoma and Missouri, the country, the people, the places start to appear torn around the edges. What am I saying, the edges?? It's a really hard to find a sublime view anywhere there. I guess this is reality at it's finest.
As a disabled person, it was not to my pleasure to have a hard time finding a room that catered to my needs without suddenly realizing that all those things would be an extra charge.
The large metal doors that were hard to open with a dog strapped to my arm and a walker I had to hold onto. Entrances blocked off by a painter's scaffold. The room was for the dog, not for me it would seem. They say the dog was a welcome party but the room for the dog would have to be way in the back in the unsightly area. There is no place to take your dog for a short walk, it is almost in another neighborhood and when you look out there, in the dark, you think, "Do I risk getting mugged if I go out there?"
Whatever. Now I remember, In Oklahoma, which came first, I did not stay at a Motel 6 on one of the nights, because I couldn't find it. I asked the toll booth person if they could recommend a motel that would take my dog and I did find a nice corner room in that motel that was OK. It was clean, had a fridge and a microwave, lots of cozy furniture, a working heater and a bathroom with a tub. The window in the bathroom wasn't fully insulated and probably has seen it's days of burglaries, but also a construction crew showed up early in the morning and could clearly be heard just outside that CLOSED window. But, later, I would think of returning there to maybe stay for an extended period, although I would not.
I think I had to stay two nights in Oklahoma, one on both ends of the state, because I had lost my travel plan and things were starting to get rough.
I grazed my leg in the dark of the room one night, on an extruded post from the bed frame. This room was not well kept to meet the standards of a national chain. I didn't have time to make a fuss about it. I just took these pictures.
The Last Road Run (Day 3)
The first part of the journey was oh, so so... Drive about 600 miles with one bathroom break in the middle, stop at the planned Motel at about 3 or 4 pm at the latest and get rested for the next day. Getting the dog to do the bathroom break was not as easy as I would have liked it to be. She wouldn't go when she was supposed to and occasionally would fake me out, forcing me to make dangerous stops along the roadway because she smelled a deer or something. This was so uncool. I had to learn fast not to fall for the emergency calls. Mostly though, which is another thing I found strange, because she usually liked car rides so much that she would keep her head out the window, on this trip, she would stay curled up in her spot in the back seat and not seem at all interested in sucking in the air from outside. What a freak of a dog.
Santa Fe Motel 6 was the most beautiful of all the places I stopped. That was the second stop before driving into hell. Into the Texas panhandle and beyond.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
The Last Road Run
This was the day before I left Arizona last year, prepared to travel all the way to New York. I didn't get very far as I remember.
Got the dog and all the packings in the car. Next stop the service station to give the car a quick check up for safety sake. And, stall............................
The wait to have all the fluids checked, the essentials, was literally 2 hours and then another hour in the pit. I needed a new fuel filter, new windshield wipers...egads. Egads? There should be a website set for that. Egads, the webs universal electronic gadget shop. There probably is, but don't tell me about it.
While I was sitting in the car, after three hours, I realized, I'm not going to make it to Flagstaff by three p.m. So, I dial up my friend and ask if I can sleep over and say good-bye, again, this engine check is taking way longer then I had expected and she said yes.
Cause you see, I had to make sure that I could only be in the car, driving for only up to six hours. That's is what a responsible disabled person should do. Not over extend herself. So yeah, all right, I had one more day in A.
But, that was it. The next morning, bright and early, my friend made sure I got my tires rotated and my dog PD and I
were on our way. Yep. The last road run I suspected. I was scared out of my mind, so I had to do it.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
The Evolution of MON (excerpts plus video)
Hell in a Basket
A sharp stomache spasm awakes Drew as she lies alone, buried under black soot and debris. Her body bounces then errupts from pain rising from the ash, bruised, sick and shaking uncontrollably. She immediately coughs up a gross ball of black dust mixed with mucus, spitting it out while gasping for air as if she'd been forced to swallow something foul. No amount of vomiting could stop the poison from being absorbed. Her eyes slit open, her hands burning, wabbling around to see if she is still in one piece. She cries while pulling the remaining hair from her head. The blast has singed her hair off of her scalp. Untill she hears another crying.
She makes her way through a darkened plane of nothingness, around mangled bits of debris to find a baby crying in pain from a two foot piece of jagged steel that has it pinned upright before her. Drew is horrified and screams back at the baby. "No! This can't be happening. No!" She snaps grabbing a piece of burnt wood she finds protruding. She clinches her teeth and clasps the wood tight, hurling it over. "No!" The baby's horrific cries demand her to act. She cries rushing to the baby taking hold of his head. "Hush. Hush." The baby's head wields back in agony, screaming and Drew's eyes gaze down upon the damage. There is no way to seperate the baby from the steel. Drew weeps as she sees the two are welded together. "Baby, oh Baby. I'm so sorry." She gently clasps the baby's screaming head and steadies. With a hurl from Drew's heart, her arms fill with strength and her face full of anguish, she snaps the baby's head back, breaking it's neck quickly, letting out her own scream. "Hell! Hell! Hell!" Her screams quickly turn to bellowing howls as she swings her body around away from the sight of the dead baby. She hits the ground and pounds it with her blackened fists. A dark cloud of ash is caving into the sunset on the horizon, the yellow turns to orange and dark crimson viens begin to weave across the sky until eventually the dark consumes it.
(end of excerpt chapter1)
"This isn't our country anymore. We've lost. The rest of the world has taken over. Imagine there's no countries." She laughs and sings, "sees if you try, but this was hell and we know it..."
"They've got everything they need except our DNA. Don't let them get your DNA boy, all they need is to feed them into our digital profiles and they'll have everything they need."
The young thumper of a boy who is anxiously staring at the old woman as she rambles on, quickly gets up and moves on, as if he had somewhere else to go. "What the hell you talkin' you old bitch! I don't know you people, you're all fucking strangers, stay away from me." He shouts and pushes through the crowd.
"And he that smite the stranger is forbidden to enter unto the kingdom. The Kingdom of MON." She bows her head in despair, "You know nothing..." She looks out at the banding of wondering strangers and shakes her head. "They know nothing." (end of excerpt chapter 2)
The Voice The dark was her face. The longer you look, the less you see. It was the voice that came in crystal clear. Sudden at the start, the low voice begins reciting with passionate declaration, confession, whatever, when Emerson clicked start, the force of the voice frightened him. The voice says. "You don't know me. That's a good thing. By the time you find out what I'm about to say is true, you'll have no recourse. A terrorist act has occured that will inevitably bring about the extinction of men. I would be surprised to find a way out of this, but who wouldn't love a good surprise about now?...While you were taking that last physical or recieving treatment for any illness, you may have elected to undergo gene correction therapy. This practice, which is irriversable, will eventually bring about the extinction of all male babies."
Emerson watched the video several times and wished he had never even heard of it. It was so remarkable and horrific that it just couldn't be true. It had to be a joke. The sordid, pathetic ramblings of a mad person. That's what his brain wanted to know. His heart beat with rapid truth however, as he paced over the lab floor. It just couldn't be. So he summoned up the statistics and began a private study of his own.
Although Emerson was relentless, the tests were wearing him down. Attempt after attempt failed to reverse the gene. In fact, his findings revealed to him something even more frustrating, the gene was now super resistent to any kind of strain or tampering. He could not alter it at all. Once the gene had been corrected, it's barriers folded it into a perfect sphinx. After working forty eight hours straight and eating nutritional snacks from the dispenser, even he could see his own ego sinking. He was finnally prepared to believe the gene could never be changed back. It can never be changed again. But, he still called in a couple of experts. Before Emmerson could bring his findings to the board's attention, he had to have a few private meetings. The first one with General Ossert, the cities parliment consort. "Do you know of any males born within our installation as of the time we began?" Emerson asked him. Ossert sat and reviewed the data Emerson brought for him. He was more interested in the question and thought before answering. "No." He put the data down and let Emerson spell it out. "There have been fifty females born since the day we arrived. All born have been female." "So all the birthmothers were GCT recipients?" "Is that what the data confirms?" Ossert relies. "Yes." "Well then, I guess that's true." Ossert seems easy to convince, but as Emerson feared, not so easily catching on. "General, I think we should consider filing for a panel to review our future chances of ever bearing a son again. That is because all of the women here have recieved GCT according to this data." Within hours a larger group was gathered, working to confirm their data. General Ossart sat aside several Marshalls from the Chadwick and Nashall empires while Emmerson made the brief points with visual aids virtually displayed in front of them. "Gentlemen, we have to search the surface for females on the outside that have not recieved GCT, gene correction therapy." Emmerson virtually scrolls down the list of females within the compound. "All thirty two thousand of our female occupants have recieved the treatment and are all projected to birth only females as a result." Joseph Chadwick cocked his head. "What?" "This is what I'm suggesting. We can poll it." Emmerson continued to make his proposal while faces turned confused. "We can scan over much of the planet..." Chadwick stops him. "Wait." He gains Emmerson's attention. "Why do we need to do this?" "Because we may have made a mistake." "What mistake?" "The GCT these females recieved is altering the outcome of our plan." "How so?" Emmerson repeats, "By eliminating the male of the species." Chadwick ask earnestly. "What about odds?" Emmerson is ashamed to admit it. "I.... I... I can't fix it. There are no odds."
(end of excerpt)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Taken (from my other blog)
Millions of hand written pages I thought I tossed away, have never left my brain. But, I'll tell you what I don't have, thousands of physical items I once had possession of, shoes, clothes, furniture, gifts from loved ones; time to kill, invitations to be, now all gone; vases, chairs, a bed I so deeply cherished and tried to hold on to, gone. Of spatulas and DVD's, cameras and honey bees, nothing remains the same. There is nothing more constant than change.
My mind covers about two hundred kilometers a minute of all things past and I can't slow it down except to stop my whole body and breathe. It's so tiring, I have to be alone because people bother me. They say things they do not mean and do things without thinking of how it will effect anyone else. The self preservation is understandable, so I just try to preserve myself without them because I would probably be dead if I let them have control.
I once investigated a homocide scene where four people lay dead from gunshot wounds and it turned out that they were taken for a measley amount of two hundred dollars. That's fifty dollars a piece for each of those lives. All the worth they might have tried to be, all the tangible or pysical value they might have tried to produce was leveled down to fifty dollars by someone with revenge eating away at his brain and methamphetamines, a lethal mixture. One of the thousands of combinations that bring about death. Think about the millions whom have died over some pocket cash, maybe even less than fifty dollars, sometimes even seventy five cents, a piece of candy, a pair of tennis shoes, a jacket or a hat. Is your life, is anybodies worth only that?
To all the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers, doctors and lawyers that wish they could help fight off these destructive addictions, don't suggest the lame solution of God or the lame solution of therapy and by all means don't give them any reason to take your money or steal your items of proposed value, just resign to get rid of it all and say "I advocate a Resouce Based Economy model for society", because that is the only way to fix the situation. If you have nothing of value that you can call yours, there is nothing to sell, nothing to steal. Often, the only thing that protects your possessions from being taken is to kill those who are trying to take it from you, and is that really what you want to do? You may not know it, even just a few minutes before it happens, but if it ever comes to that, your behavior may shock you.
And the moment that you pull that trigger or poison that tea or set off that backpack bomb or load that machine gun or man that tank, you've done it, you have resorted to the lowest of morality, by meaning to take a life for a physical possession that isn't even yours, and will never be yours, because all things physical cannot transcend with you at the end of your life. You don't even have the capacity to take along with you your physical body, Your face, your hair, your eyes, your limbs, all the millions of thoughts hidden in your brain, it all stays to decompose. So what have you done? You have killed someone to save an item that is of the earth only as you might be taken to the heavens, or wherever the hell you go.
I don't profess to know God or even try to understand it. It's not mine to completely understand, I cannot capture the universe as it is or has been because I am a small part and I will change and before I can even see the thing, it is one way and as my eyes might arrange a viewing, it has absolutely changed.
Millions of hand written pages I thought I tossed away, have never left my brain. But, I'll tell you what I don't have, thousands of physical items I once had possession of, shoes, clothes, furniture, gifts from loved ones; time to kill, invitations to be, now all gone; vases, chairs, a bed I so deeply cherished and tried to hold on to, gone. Of spatulas and DVD's, cameras and honey bees, nothing remains the same. There is nothing more constant than change.
My mind covers about two hundred kilometers a minute of all things past and I can't slow it down except to stop my whole body and breathe. It's so tiring, I have to be alone because people bother me. They say things they do not mean and do things without thinking of how it will effect anyone else. The self preservation is understandable, so I just try to preserve myself without them because I would probably be dead if I let them have control.
I once investigated a homocide scene where four people lay dead from gunshot wounds and it turned out that they were taken for a measley amount of two hundred dollars. That's fifty dollars a piece for each of those lives. All the worth they might have tried to be, all the tangible or pysical value they might have tried to produce was leveled down to fifty dollars by someone with revenge eating away at his brain and methamphetamines, a lethal mixture. One of the thousands of combinations that bring about death. Think about the millions whom have died over some pocket cash, maybe even less than fifty dollars, sometimes even seventy five cents, a piece of candy, a pair of tennis shoes, a jacket or a hat. Is your life, is anybodies worth only that?
To all the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers, doctors and lawyers that wish they could help fight off these destructive addictions, don't suggest the lame solution of God or the lame solution of therapy and by all means don't give them any reason to take your money or steal your items of proposed value, just resign to get rid of it all and say "I advocate a Resouce Based Economy model for society", because that is the only way to fix the situation. If you have nothing of value that you can call yours, there is nothing to sell, nothing to steal. Often, the only thing that protects your possessions from being taken is to kill those who are trying to take it from you, and is that really what you want to do? You may not know it, even just a few minutes before it happens, but if it ever comes to that, your behavior may shock you.
And the moment that you pull that trigger or poison that tea or set off that backpack bomb or load that machine gun or man that tank, you've done it, you have resorted to the lowest of morality, by meaning to take a life for a physical possession that isn't even yours, and will never be yours, because all things physical cannot transcend with you at the end of your life. You don't even have the capacity to take along with you your physical body, Your face, your hair, your eyes, your limbs, all the millions of thoughts hidden in your brain, it all stays to decompose. So what have you done? You have killed someone to save an item that is of the earth only as you might be taken to the heavens, or wherever the hell you go.
I don't profess to know God or even try to understand it. It's not mine to completely understand, I cannot capture the universe as it is or has been because I am a small part and I will change and before I can even see the thing, it is one way and as my eyes might arrange a viewing, it has absolutely changed.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Beats with Spoken Word
Beats with Spoken Word
I knew it was a revolution when I didn't need to wait for someone to discover me or try so hard to be noticed or paid that little crumpet that some huge corporation was gonna throw my way after I put in one hundred and fifty hours in one week on a salary. I knew it was a revolution when it became clear that over the internet I could chat with friends in China or be the numerous talented artists I was and upload our works to numerous sites or exchange and share networks without even leaving my name. I knew it was a revolution when no one needed to wait to do what they wanted or needed to do for themselves or for others without much else but a good system, op system and a favorite piece of software.
I could find anything, share anything, learn anything and do just about anything with this fantastic new tool. Scarcity and secret lines to success were gone. Walls had fallen and even though it meant that my whole life was a struggle for, what seemed like forever, was over now. The flood gates are now open and all it takes is for the person to figure that out.
I knew it was a revolution when I didn't need to wait for someone to discover me or try so hard to be noticed or paid that little crumpet that some huge corporation was gonna throw my way after I put in one hundred and fifty hours in one week on a salary. I knew it was a revolution when it became clear that over the internet I could chat with friends in China or be the numerous talented artists I was and upload our works to numerous sites or exchange and share networks without even leaving my name. I knew it was a revolution when no one needed to wait to do what they wanted or needed to do for themselves or for others without much else but a good system, op system and a favorite piece of software.
I could find anything, share anything, learn anything and do just about anything with this fantastic new tool. Scarcity and secret lines to success were gone. Walls had fallen and even though it meant that my whole life was a struggle for, what seemed like forever, was over now. The flood gates are now open and all it takes is for the person to figure that out.
Friday, August 10, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Time to Tell
Low income areas are areas that do not have jobs. People who cannot work gravitate to those areas because they cannot pay. Since NAFTA was passed in the USA and manufacturers started fleeing the US and employing cheaper labor and less regulatory restrictions, this left millions in America without a job and without the ability to pay, so... They either struggled through it, moved to a lower income area, got on welfare or disability, continued to try and get a job in a highly competitive job market place or both and, or went into drug dealing or another kind of criminal behavior to survive. Yes, this shit has been going on for decades and yet the last thing anyone did was march or protest to their government that they were in trouble, because, this was America, America, land of the free was never supposed to be seen as, "in trouble". Okay? You were suppose to be a law abiding, contributing part of your community not a loafer. (HEAD SHAKES!!)
Loaferism ...I just termed that...That is the American way. We were supposed to be loafing in front of our tv screens as the screens got larger and our economy got smaller and we were never suppose to notice it until it was too late and the trash started breaking in through the window.
Well...That day is here.
The Elizabeth Short murder case in 1947. The Black Dahlia case.
Details of the autopsy are not well known to most people, even of that time, but it was clearly sensationalized by the media, getting the public talking and distracted to the point of distraction.
This strange unknown girl, literally unknown, un-famous and probably almost forgotten while she was living, ended up in the hands of some pretty insane, homicidal forces. The particular blogged I've linked you to suggests that investigators thought that the brutality of the crime, the extent of injuries she suffered should be evidence that she knew her killer. I disagree. That has no baring whatsoever. And, the fact that the body was cleaned and put on display in a public place to be easily found is not something a person known to her would do if they did not want to be caught or if they acted out of a passionate rage. The killer(s) knew they would not be caught. They knew that the investigators would follow the silliest little leads, even the numerous men that called in to claim they killed her could have been distractions.
The fact that her body was discovered in an open place should be significant to some detectives. The killer wanted the body to be found and the murder to be sensationalized. Her mouth slashed at the corners to make for a gruesome portrait was not just to scare you. It was instrumental to what was done. Being that excrement and grass and debris was found filling her intestines, she had to have consumed piles of, well, shit. It would not be spoon fed, rather her mouth was strapped open to allow for a pipe (maybe) to deliver the shit down her throat and into her stomach. Another hole was found in her lower abdomen, (more shit, more debris). But at the time there were no scientific rape kits to determine where the grass and shit came from, or any semen analysis or DNA analysis, but that would not have mattered either I think, because she was hungry all the time and could have been lured into a situation where the person or person's responsible for causing her death may not have been the same person or persons who led her to it.
Having her cut in half at the waist line seemed to be for convenience in storing and transporting her body to the place it was to be found. But, I think, it was a a clear message to somebody that this was done and could be done and the person who needed to know this (or persons) were in Los Angeles at the time.
So, maybe, although detectives were not so inclined to see this, maybe some did think it, but even if they had analyzed the excrement that filled her intestines, they would not have caught the killer, or killers.
What was happening in the world in, or around 1947? The beginning of the ... The Cold War
**** Senator Estes Kefauver political barrage against pornography and organized crime, anti trust legislation of which crusades brought charges against Irving Klaw's studios employing model's such as Bettie Page. The trial against Irving Klaw's studio or business resulted in some of the photos and negatives developed be destroyed.
This was time of demonization of the pinko, the red army. the leftists, the commies. Want to keep war going on between nation states and within the nation, but ...Now the competition between corporations and nation states is not working out for anyone.
Then there is the decision of lawmakers to place the Jewish people and Israel in what was known as Palestine in 1948. I don't think it had anything to do with that. Perhaps it was just a message to the LAPD that organized crime was in L.A. ...
Well...That day is here.
The Elizabeth Short murder case in 1947. The Black Dahlia case.
Details of the autopsy are not well known to most people, even of that time, but it was clearly sensationalized by the media, getting the public talking and distracted to the point of distraction.
This strange unknown girl, literally unknown, un-famous and probably almost forgotten while she was living, ended up in the hands of some pretty insane, homicidal forces. The particular blogged I've linked you to suggests that investigators thought that the brutality of the crime, the extent of injuries she suffered should be evidence that she knew her killer. I disagree. That has no baring whatsoever. And, the fact that the body was cleaned and put on display in a public place to be easily found is not something a person known to her would do if they did not want to be caught or if they acted out of a passionate rage. The killer(s) knew they would not be caught. They knew that the investigators would follow the silliest little leads, even the numerous men that called in to claim they killed her could have been distractions.
The fact that her body was discovered in an open place should be significant to some detectives. The killer wanted the body to be found and the murder to be sensationalized. Her mouth slashed at the corners to make for a gruesome portrait was not just to scare you. It was instrumental to what was done. Being that excrement and grass and debris was found filling her intestines, she had to have consumed piles of, well, shit. It would not be spoon fed, rather her mouth was strapped open to allow for a pipe (maybe) to deliver the shit down her throat and into her stomach. Another hole was found in her lower abdomen, (more shit, more debris). But at the time there were no scientific rape kits to determine where the grass and shit came from, or any semen analysis or DNA analysis, but that would not have mattered either I think, because she was hungry all the time and could have been lured into a situation where the person or person's responsible for causing her death may not have been the same person or persons who led her to it.
Having her cut in half at the waist line seemed to be for convenience in storing and transporting her body to the place it was to be found. But, I think, it was a a clear message to somebody that this was done and could be done and the person who needed to know this (or persons) were in Los Angeles at the time.
So, maybe, although detectives were not so inclined to see this, maybe some did think it, but even if they had analyzed the excrement that filled her intestines, they would not have caught the killer, or killers.
What was happening in the world in, or around 1947? The beginning of the ... The Cold War
**** Senator Estes Kefauver political barrage against pornography and organized crime, anti trust legislation of which crusades brought charges against Irving Klaw's studios employing model's such as Bettie Page. The trial against Irving Klaw's studio or business resulted in some of the photos and negatives developed be destroyed.
[Sometime between 1947 and 1950, Irving Klaw was approached by a prominent lawyer with some "special needs." He offered to pay all the costs if Klaw would produce original bondage pictures for him. Klaw would retain the rights.]study Irving Klaw, and who that prominent lawyer was...Irving was just trying to make money, a living, but he was the only one that was used to get national attention about obscenity. Who was that lawyer? Why were pin-up girls being painted on the sides of war planes? Senator Estes was just trying to deal with the overwhelming task of keeping the American economy wholesome and without monopolization of corporations, including pharma, which eventually went from bad to worse over the next fifty years. So what is going on? What went on?
This was time of demonization of the pinko, the red army. the leftists, the commies. Want to keep war going on between nation states and within the nation, but ...Now the competition between corporations and nation states is not working out for anyone.
Then there is the decision of lawmakers to place the Jewish people and Israel in what was known as Palestine in 1948. I don't think it had anything to do with that. Perhaps it was just a message to the LAPD that organized crime was in L.A. ...
Bettie Page,
black dahlia,
Irving Klaw,
los angeles,
organized crime,
the lawyer,
war. machine
Friday, July 27, 2012
The End of the World as We've Known It
Last night, watched Chris Hedges on Bill Moyers & Company. Chris, or should I say Mr. Hedges is a gleaming light of hope for me. He is strong, intelligent and a true human with an incredible heart.
Please find and share the show, the interview, his new book.
It's very important, even if it is so depressing to think that the end of the world as we've known it is HERE!
Please find and share the show, the interview, his new book.
It's very important, even if it is so depressing to think that the end of the world as we've known it is HERE!
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Dude, you don't need money. Well, alright for the interim. But while we wait for the financial institutions to fall and the government to stop raving about the national debt and being literal asses, we use what we got. To do what with?
Plant your little heart out. You might as well, it can't hurt none. Buy as many organic seeds and soil as possible. Get as much information as possible on how to get a garden growing. Teach your neighbors if they ask how you did it.
Gather rain water in bucket and bails, look up systems that you can either replicate or rig on your own using what supplies you already have. There is no telling what creative thing you will come up with. I dare you not to go to the store for supplies.
Yes, this can be a free society. You start with yourself and talk to everyone who seems interested.
Let's see what have we got here. Garlic that sprouted from the refrigerator placed in a cup of water for about a week, transferred to small pot of dirt. (We'll see how that goes. Sweet Potato ends cut and placed in water to sprout roots. Onions placed in water to form roots, grows chives for me to eat fresh when they are ready and I want them. (all in stuff I either saved instead of thrown away) Radish seeds have sprouted. Avocado seeds have sprouted.
The avocado seeds from the veggies bought from the store I placed the seeds in my dirt bed and kept them warm. WARM is the thing, not just water, sunlight and dirt. Warm, dark place is good to germinate. Yes sunlight is great, not just for rays, but warmth.
forgive the out of focus, but this is just a month or so ago, before I even had pots to plant in. I took the remainder of a bag of organic soil and started a couple of organic tomato seed. Tomatoes grow rapidly if you don't fry them in the hot sun and give them good water and a filtered place to thrive.
this is the plant a month later (between June and July)
And for the finale, the Moringa Oleifera, (seeds sent to me from unknown person). They said it was touchy. I used my natural charm.
I always save my egg shells for calcium and my coffee grounds for nitrigen and all my natural fruit and veggie food scraps for more organic material to add to the soil or my compost. A compost heap is full of heat and energy, so look for the numerous ways you can do it.
But, I'm a radical type person who looks for information everywhere. Currently, I spend every penny on things I need. I don't save or feed the pig, the pig is never satisfied and currently turning my savings into losses, for whatever reason, no one can tell. Because they can't give it up. Murderous instincts. Tradition. Who cares anymore, I'm growing what I know is going to bring value to me.
Break for now Chaps. *****
Plant your little heart out. You might as well, it can't hurt none. Buy as many organic seeds and soil as possible. Get as much information as possible on how to get a garden growing. Teach your neighbors if they ask how you did it.
Gather rain water in bucket and bails, look up systems that you can either replicate or rig on your own using what supplies you already have. There is no telling what creative thing you will come up with. I dare you not to go to the store for supplies.
Yes, this can be a free society. You start with yourself and talk to everyone who seems interested.
Let's see what have we got here. Garlic that sprouted from the refrigerator placed in a cup of water for about a week, transferred to small pot of dirt. (We'll see how that goes. Sweet Potato ends cut and placed in water to sprout roots. Onions placed in water to form roots, grows chives for me to eat fresh when they are ready and I want them. (all in stuff I either saved instead of thrown away) Radish seeds have sprouted. Avocado seeds have sprouted.
The avocado seeds from the veggies bought from the store I placed the seeds in my dirt bed and kept them warm. WARM is the thing, not just water, sunlight and dirt. Warm, dark place is good to germinate. Yes sunlight is great, not just for rays, but warmth.
forgive the out of focus, but this is just a month or so ago, before I even had pots to plant in. I took the remainder of a bag of organic soil and started a couple of organic tomato seed. Tomatoes grow rapidly if you don't fry them in the hot sun and give them good water and a filtered place to thrive.
this is the plant a month later (between June and July)
And for the finale, the Moringa Oleifera, (seeds sent to me from unknown person). They said it was touchy. I used my natural charm.
I always save my egg shells for calcium and my coffee grounds for nitrigen and all my natural fruit and veggie food scraps for more organic material to add to the soil or my compost. A compost heap is full of heat and energy, so look for the numerous ways you can do it.
But, I'm a radical type person who looks for information everywhere. Currently, I spend every penny on things I need. I don't save or feed the pig, the pig is never satisfied and currently turning my savings into losses, for whatever reason, no one can tell. Because they can't give it up. Murderous instincts. Tradition. Who cares anymore, I'm growing what I know is going to bring value to me.
Break for now Chaps. *****
Saturday, July 14, 2012
The Spirit of the Stream
It's working. The impact is penetrating. Of course, they shot themselves in the foot. Both feet as a matter of fact. That was helpful. So what I try to say to people and I say it quickly, because I know their mind is broken and focused on something else almost immediately, I say, "Well...what do you need?"
The movement started very slow with just a handful of people who worked diligently with the helpful add-ons of what big business thought was going to be beneficial to them. I wrote to Peter and said, "this thing is going to take of like a rocket...", but forgot to add that a rocket takes off slowly, loudly with lots of smoke and greater disturbance, but when it finally gets off the ground and into the wide open space, it really sails. Suddenly and without warning, the new technologies worked for a much larger group of people that came out of the small handful only a few years ago.
Ustream takes large amounts of money from Phillips 66 to advertise, but the people don't care about the advertisement. The advertisements are losing their effect. It's just money that big companies are spending with new media companies that are not going to see the same kind of returns they were getting on paid cable, because the internet culture has a far shorter attention span anyway and moves on to their next interest whenever they want. Coca-Cola promotes itself on Twitter and gets replies instantly that they suck and are an intrusion. That's not the same kind of quiet love they were getting from their Saturday morning spots. No one was instantly talking back to them before.
Everything old is not new again. That's the best part of this break. We cannot rely on a steady stream of anything. We just have to be agile and alert while the waves keep coming and going. The shift is not just intangible, it's impregnable because it's so intangible. Big companies and their big money will last only as far as their money does and it is becoming less and less important to have.
Even for really poor people who have very little money, they have always known how to depend on themselves and the few resources they have had access to, they are seeing a greater amount of access to what they need as large companies are now trying to be charitable for public relations purposes and more open minded people who have had their eyes opened.
It is truly amazing, but it is happening. Those who still want to argue that money can be saved if we are just more responsible with it, lose their argument, in their own beds at night while they are thinking. They are not even in a debate anymore. In their quietest moments, they know. They don't know what to do, but they know. It cannot be saved, because even if we wait for more sensible currency to take form, it won't make it to the finish line before the creators of the new form of life will have already begun showing up and shining.
So what if they don't know what love is yet. You grow into it. And this time, no one will have to beat you up to prove it. They will not be able to subject you because they will need you.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Amazing Vandana Shiva Slams Monsanto at Rio+20 Conference 2012
We must forge forward with as many organic plantings that we can manage. I read in the comments under the article regarding Biotech companies seeking protection from Congress in truthout, that Congress needs to be occupied and this was true a couple of years ago, but now, we cannot wait any longer. We cannot fear their threats. Will the brave ones please stand up and move into position. More people are realizing that staying silent, sitting on our hands is literally taking our lives quicker and quicker.
Thank heaven for Vadana Shiva!
List for Life
Sometimes I just have to put myself to bed and hope for a better tomorrow.
I can't go back. I can never go back and do things over. I can only move forward.
Today was a day a failed experiments and I didn't learn much. Then I'm left with memories. Memories of how it used to be. The past is always real while the future seems uncertain. The only thing I can be sure of in the future is that
I'm going to die. I may try to accomplish this or I can try to accomplish that, but for certain, I am going to die and sometimes it seems that I am racing to beat that clock. Racing to do all the things I want before death happens. Some call that the bucket list. I make one almost everyday, at the end of the day, for the next day, so I manage to get those three things done because I know I only have so much time and relaxing is not going to help me, but it's never an item I put on the list, because it's always something I am fighting not to do. It doesn't help me accomplish anything.
This is where I'm wrong. I am becoming wrong. My thinking is strained. I've lost my path and I suppose that's okay. Routine is something you try to make, but life always gets in the way. How wonderful.
So my list should look like this:
Live life
Enjoy your day
Live life
Enjoy your day
Friday, June 29, 2012
A Quarter for My Allowance
geo - george
(this is one of my, "I want to teach you something" posts) mass extinction- the environment eliminates a species
mass genocide - the government (or other) killing off others they do not need or want or can no longer control
potato famine - Irish people starved to death because their land developed a strange disease that placed blight on their potatoes
Much of Ireland was "supposedly" owned by non-resident "landlords"
Hitler exterminated millions of those he imprisoned, pulled their teeth, confiscated jewelry, other valuable things, shaved their hair for use in manufacturing rope, due to
a.) lack of resources
b.) because he hated Jews
c.) because he had a bone to pick with the bankers who threw his country into an economic devastation...who were those bankers? Were they the same bankers that also funded his occupation and invasion choices? That would depend, I guess, on which properties they were already invested in or had interest in gaining. ...hmmmm
The point is an international banker can do that, withdraw his funds out of the market to create grief and devastation and reinvest it somewhere else.
goldsmiths became bankers - we all know that now, right?
Who was the richest man in England at the time (1857 - 1860) Queen Victoria needed to fund troop activities in India during her reign? Was it the country of England, the Bank of England or The East India Company that was being fought for?
The British troops were acting, in a way like the protectors of the East India Company. This didn't go well. Please pay attention to history of currency, it's uses and how it is exchanged between companies, countries and realize that it's literally the same today as it was three hundred years ago. If you are enraged about how much the United States spends on war, taking citizens tax dollars while printing up lines of credit to companies like Xe, this isn't about patriotism at all, it's about helping a large corporation do what they feel needs to be done to keep them in the marketplace. Realize that you are enraged at a bank or numerous banks and investment houses. A corporate entity that is using a country or a flag and your patriotism to stay competitive.
Spanish conquistadors worked for who when they invaded the Inca? Who did they kill? What did they gain along with their victory? What weapons were used to wage war for an element popular in that land? Was trade really the objective for many who led the expeditions in the era between 1492 and 1786?
(I'm just throwing you an odd question here to keep you on your toes.) In which country is it still legal to accuse another of bad witchcraft?
Back, way back in history, (please pull facts from many documented historical accounts) Ireland was set upon by the English, the British Empire to own all the land.
And as coinage was being minted and banker's were gaining in power, they did, specifically gain much of the land and property in Ireland. The Irish people never cared for what happened in their country...(as if it were really theirs)...It wasn't really the banker's or England's really, it was all just an illusion. The magician was the wealthiest because the magic was being able to swipe a coin out from your ear and show it to you and you marveled at how that had happened, where that coin came from and how it was able to afford you a piece of candy. Now, take a look...Notice the penis encouraging you that Utah created (or you should be proud that it could create economic growth. This is one United States quarter dollar minted in 2007. If you've got an older one (I mean really old) and a newer one, you might like to compare it. The Irish were always biting their coins (in fact that was made into a joke) because it was always being messed around with to have this amount of metal in it and that amount of metal in it, or no metal at all. This is another way of manipulating the value of your money. Banks help to confiscate the old ones and furnish to the bigger operation to reprint or re-manufacture that old money into the new money. And, that "supposedly" costs money, but anyone can do this with the right machinery and the right amount of money, right? Okay. Let's move on...
Does it weigh a little less? If you took both the coin from a previous time period and a coin from today and had it analyzed by a lab, what would they tell you about this coins' contents?
In Chicago in December of 2011, I was told by a resident that they throw dimes away because they are not worth anything. Many years ago pennies were vary rarely picked up or saved. Now pennies are exchanged freely in nearly every merchant shop. They have a little dish for it, take one, give one, it's all the same. And if dimes are not worth anything in Chicago already, won't there soon be a dime dish for free exchange. The dish could be far more valuable then the coin after all one day. Will have a full counter of dishes holding coinage that's free to take, free to give, that's the damn worth of these freaking coins. What's in your coin? But, that's not all. If oil producing countries want gold only in exchange for oil, perhaps that's what the United States (Federal Reserve) gold reserves have been and are being currently used for and not your house or food or for your coinage. Perhaps there is not enough gold to ensure that you will have oil tomorrow. And the devaluation of the dollar or the quarter, dime or penny is not what will ensure that you will be able to have any kind of power like heat, air conditioning, car fuel tomorrow. You don't have a powerful voting voice. Why? Because for years now, the United States government has known that it's imperialist ways are failing, their companies are hardly competitive and investors are moving out of the dollar as a world reserve currency. The big money has left the building. But, if oil producing countries have figured out their wealth is more important than your wealth or that your wealth was built on their wealth and are insisting on gold only, wouldn't they have the right to ask for such an exchange? They are the ones who seem to live atop of that land now. And, they have more knowledge about the illusion. If there is no constitution and only corporations have held the keys to everything, there is no country to fight for. You're just another group of people that got burned when the banks left town.
geo - george
(this is one of my, "I want to teach you something" posts) mass extinction- the environment eliminates a species
mass genocide - the government (or other) killing off others they do not need or want or can no longer control
potato famine - Irish people starved to death because their land developed a strange disease that placed blight on their potatoes
Much of Ireland was "supposedly" owned by non-resident "landlords"
Hitler exterminated millions of those he imprisoned, pulled their teeth, confiscated jewelry, other valuable things, shaved their hair for use in manufacturing rope, due to
a.) lack of resources
b.) because he hated Jews
c.) because he had a bone to pick with the bankers who threw his country into an economic devastation...who were those bankers? Were they the same bankers that also funded his occupation and invasion choices? That would depend, I guess, on which properties they were already invested in or had interest in gaining. ...hmmmm
The point is an international banker can do that, withdraw his funds out of the market to create grief and devastation and reinvest it somewhere else.
goldsmiths became bankers - we all know that now, right?
Who was the richest man in England at the time (1857 - 1860) Queen Victoria needed to fund troop activities in India during her reign? Was it the country of England, the Bank of England or The East India Company that was being fought for?
The British troops were acting, in a way like the protectors of the East India Company. This didn't go well. Please pay attention to history of currency, it's uses and how it is exchanged between companies, countries and realize that it's literally the same today as it was three hundred years ago. If you are enraged about how much the United States spends on war, taking citizens tax dollars while printing up lines of credit to companies like Xe, this isn't about patriotism at all, it's about helping a large corporation do what they feel needs to be done to keep them in the marketplace. Realize that you are enraged at a bank or numerous banks and investment houses. A corporate entity that is using a country or a flag and your patriotism to stay competitive.
Spanish conquistadors worked for who when they invaded the Inca? Who did they kill? What did they gain along with their victory? What weapons were used to wage war for an element popular in that land? Was trade really the objective for many who led the expeditions in the era between 1492 and 1786?
(I'm just throwing you an odd question here to keep you on your toes.) In which country is it still legal to accuse another of bad witchcraft?
Back, way back in history, (please pull facts from many documented historical accounts) Ireland was set upon by the English, the British Empire to own all the land.
And as coinage was being minted and banker's were gaining in power, they did, specifically gain much of the land and property in Ireland. The Irish people never cared for what happened in their country...(as if it were really theirs)...It wasn't really the banker's or England's really, it was all just an illusion. The magician was the wealthiest because the magic was being able to swipe a coin out from your ear and show it to you and you marveled at how that had happened, where that coin came from and how it was able to afford you a piece of candy. Now, take a look...Notice the penis encouraging you that Utah created (or you should be proud that it could create economic growth. This is one United States quarter dollar minted in 2007. If you've got an older one (I mean really old) and a newer one, you might like to compare it. The Irish were always biting their coins (in fact that was made into a joke) because it was always being messed around with to have this amount of metal in it and that amount of metal in it, or no metal at all. This is another way of manipulating the value of your money. Banks help to confiscate the old ones and furnish to the bigger operation to reprint or re-manufacture that old money into the new money. And, that "supposedly" costs money, but anyone can do this with the right machinery and the right amount of money, right? Okay. Let's move on...
Does it weigh a little less? If you took both the coin from a previous time period and a coin from today and had it analyzed by a lab, what would they tell you about this coins' contents?
In Chicago in December of 2011, I was told by a resident that they throw dimes away because they are not worth anything. Many years ago pennies were vary rarely picked up or saved. Now pennies are exchanged freely in nearly every merchant shop. They have a little dish for it, take one, give one, it's all the same. And if dimes are not worth anything in Chicago already, won't there soon be a dime dish for free exchange. The dish could be far more valuable then the coin after all one day. Will have a full counter of dishes holding coinage that's free to take, free to give, that's the damn worth of these freaking coins. What's in your coin? But, that's not all. If oil producing countries want gold only in exchange for oil, perhaps that's what the United States (Federal Reserve) gold reserves have been and are being currently used for and not your house or food or for your coinage. Perhaps there is not enough gold to ensure that you will have oil tomorrow. And the devaluation of the dollar or the quarter, dime or penny is not what will ensure that you will be able to have any kind of power like heat, air conditioning, car fuel tomorrow. You don't have a powerful voting voice. Why? Because for years now, the United States government has known that it's imperialist ways are failing, their companies are hardly competitive and investors are moving out of the dollar as a world reserve currency. The big money has left the building. But, if oil producing countries have figured out their wealth is more important than your wealth or that your wealth was built on their wealth and are insisting on gold only, wouldn't they have the right to ask for such an exchange? They are the ones who seem to live atop of that land now. And, they have more knowledge about the illusion. If there is no constitution and only corporations have held the keys to everything, there is no country to fight for. You're just another group of people that got burned when the banks left town.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Nine Inch Nails - Head Like A Hole
the hot zone
was the title of the script I wrote in 1989.
It was rewritten and split up into three different block buster movies
I was never paid or recognized for the effort
at least I registered it and the book "the hot zone" had to change it's title for the film version to "Outbreak" because I registered mine first
It was a story about debt
from a victims pov (point of view)
she was a drug addict as a teenager and would have done anything to obtain a high
so she was sold to a gang of masochists who used, mutilated her body and left her for dead
but she survived
and when she regained a place in society as a law abiding, functioning citizen
she recognized the gang leader who sold her hiding behind a clean veneer of the political right
so she went after him in a state of craze
infiltrating law enforcement
conducting her own investigation, knowing the suspect was guilty
but her enforcement partner insisted on getting evidence first so they could arrest him proper
She was willing to do anything.
it was a damn good script and a damn good story
which no one will ever read again
no one will ever see it
the way I saw it
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
American Autumn Trailer (feat. "GA's first song")
Who are the violent ones? The ones doing the hands on pushing back? The ones who are a melting pot of previous nationalities that call themselves Americans now? The corporations that have bribed their way through democratic forums and used every trick in the book to gain advantage over the average person and then call themselves legal personages? Who is being the violent one? Or maybe we are all violent by nature to even insist that any land is ours by the very nature that we have stepped on it either by intention or by coercion , bondage and or being brought here, born here. Who's land is it that we all must live and breath on once given the chance?
Don't call me violent and then tell me that nature is peaceful and serene and full of love and spirit if you have no intention of respecting it unless someone pays you enough under the table.
Go to this premier in NY, see what the people think. Keep watching your numbers fall.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Crazy is Good
Some of the goofy things I've done to battle the system:
save plastic bags and turn them into planters write to multi national corporations and government officials, giving them the best of my opinions and factual statements save coffee cans, glass jars (my favorite) paper and plastic bags and plastic containers and use for a multitude of things, planters, hole punchers, sharp weapon type discs speak the truth let people know how I could sue them but then don't because I like to let their conscience work on them for me tell the delivery person that the receipts he or she handle are toxic have multiple personas and blogs on the internet never go to the doctor or the ER unless I am unconscious and am brought in by unknown parties never get a flu shot no matter how the establishment tries to encourage it take photos, take more photos, and more photos by very few things new, always look for a way to keep what I have working or get something old and refurbish it learn mechanics, law, math, languages, cultures don't delude myself, don't get wasted anymore always try to be friendly and compassionate until their actions appear to be careless or demonstrate an ability to harm me personally, then abandon them without further warning (in other words, if they don't really care about themselves I know they couldn't really care for me) I don't give them many chances because I am not willing to give anymore of myself to raising grown ups to be grown ups and I am through raising children Observe my surroundings, learn as much as I can about them, immediately estimate where all exit routes are or could be, what is needed to correct problems, evaluate what problems need to be fixed, if problems can be fixed, and of what value it would be for me to fix them smile as often as possible :)
save plastic bags and turn them into planters write to multi national corporations and government officials, giving them the best of my opinions and factual statements save coffee cans, glass jars (my favorite) paper and plastic bags and plastic containers and use for a multitude of things, planters, hole punchers, sharp weapon type discs speak the truth let people know how I could sue them but then don't because I like to let their conscience work on them for me tell the delivery person that the receipts he or she handle are toxic have multiple personas and blogs on the internet never go to the doctor or the ER unless I am unconscious and am brought in by unknown parties never get a flu shot no matter how the establishment tries to encourage it take photos, take more photos, and more photos by very few things new, always look for a way to keep what I have working or get something old and refurbish it learn mechanics, law, math, languages, cultures don't delude myself, don't get wasted anymore always try to be friendly and compassionate until their actions appear to be careless or demonstrate an ability to harm me personally, then abandon them without further warning (in other words, if they don't really care about themselves I know they couldn't really care for me) I don't give them many chances because I am not willing to give anymore of myself to raising grown ups to be grown ups and I am through raising children Observe my surroundings, learn as much as I can about them, immediately estimate where all exit routes are or could be, what is needed to correct problems, evaluate what problems need to be fixed, if problems can be fixed, and of what value it would be for me to fix them smile as often as possible :)
Sunday, June 17, 2012
It's time to take stock in what you already have...before you buy another thing
Medical Supplies
this should be, next to food, the most important thing
Hydrogen Peroxide
anything and everything you have, make sure you know it is there and research what can be used to substitute in case it is necessary---------- sometimes honey is a good antibacterial, if it's good organic, local honey, it can sometimes even fight allergies------- vinegar is a good cleanser internally (1 tsp a week), it stings (keep out of eyes) great for hair rinse in cold water----------baking soda is a good abrasive cleanser (with vinegar - lemon)------------antacid for stomach upset or heartburn
Ax or hatchet
glue guns
staples guns
Rubber bands
tie strings
(make sure that anything from the store is evaluated for extra bands, ties and bags) keep these
screw drivers (battery powered and manual)
make lists of all that you have, counting extra to make available for another who needs it
peppermint is mice repellent-------toothpaste with peppermint can be directly rubbed denture tablets clean (toilet bowls and basins) Borax (stings eyes), good for really tough jobs and with peroxide - dog mange (seasonal mites) make sure you know what you are doing - consult vet or doctor - borax is a good bug repellent, kills roaches and other pests (be careful with this stuff)
Emergency sleeping bags are cheap and compact - always carry one in vehicle or backpack - with water and small food stocks sharp hunter knife firearm (if you know how and when to use it)
food stocks dried spices dehydrated tomato base - spinach base (saves space)
the 5 staples are good to remember
olive oil spinach tomato garlic salmon
it is recommended eating 9 pounds of fruit and vegetables a day, but I can't do that, I don't know how anyone could, but I guess it's possible
make compost organic waste should be applied to enrich soil that has been used
IF COMMUNITY WON'T START ONE - START ONE YOURSELF - you can even drop or accidently spill seeds in open public places - this is good fun
buy groceries that are not gmo produce and plant food from seed or from the food it self
collect rain water
in any empty container fill with tap water to store, whenever possible
(plastic tubing can distribute rain water to plants) (millions of ideas online can give you ideas to custom grow solutions)
self educate with free online courses
search - make a folder for sites that are helpful - youtube videos can teach you how to cook, sew, fix a toilet, there is nothing you can't do
Make emergency plans and if all else fails
3 minutes without air 3 days without water 3 weeks without food
don't take showers everyday
don't run water to do dishes or run the dishwasher when it is not full
unplug when not in use
candles matches
sort and place
DO NOT THROW AWAY Glass Jars Plastic Tubs Clean plastic or paper bags Packing Boxes (roaches and spiders like to live and spawn here so find a solution that can prevent that) (this stuff can come in handy and be reused) (give it time, store it well, it will come to you)
live simpler lives
find better ways to entertain
don't wait - create
Medical Supplies
this should be, next to food, the most important thing
Hydrogen Peroxide
anything and everything you have, make sure you know it is there and research what can be used to substitute in case it is necessary---------- sometimes honey is a good antibacterial, if it's good organic, local honey, it can sometimes even fight allergies------- vinegar is a good cleanser internally (1 tsp a week), it stings (keep out of eyes) great for hair rinse in cold water----------baking soda is a good abrasive cleanser (with vinegar - lemon)------------antacid for stomach upset or heartburn
Ax or hatchet
glue guns
staples guns
Rubber bands
tie strings
(make sure that anything from the store is evaluated for extra bands, ties and bags) keep these
screw drivers (battery powered and manual)
make lists of all that you have, counting extra to make available for another who needs it
peppermint is mice repellent-------toothpaste with peppermint can be directly rubbed denture tablets clean (toilet bowls and basins) Borax (stings eyes), good for really tough jobs and with peroxide - dog mange (seasonal mites) make sure you know what you are doing - consult vet or doctor - borax is a good bug repellent, kills roaches and other pests (be careful with this stuff)
Emergency sleeping bags are cheap and compact - always carry one in vehicle or backpack - with water and small food stocks sharp hunter knife firearm (if you know how and when to use it)
food stocks dried spices dehydrated tomato base - spinach base (saves space)
the 5 staples are good to remember
olive oil spinach tomato garlic salmon
it is recommended eating 9 pounds of fruit and vegetables a day, but I can't do that, I don't know how anyone could, but I guess it's possible
make compost organic waste should be applied to enrich soil that has been used
IF COMMUNITY WON'T START ONE - START ONE YOURSELF - you can even drop or accidently spill seeds in open public places - this is good fun
buy groceries that are not gmo produce and plant food from seed or from the food it self
collect rain water
in any empty container fill with tap water to store, whenever possible
(plastic tubing can distribute rain water to plants) (millions of ideas online can give you ideas to custom grow solutions)
self educate with free online courses
search - make a folder for sites that are helpful - youtube videos can teach you how to cook, sew, fix a toilet, there is nothing you can't do
Make emergency plans and if all else fails
3 minutes without air 3 days without water 3 weeks without food
don't take showers everyday
don't run water to do dishes or run the dishwasher when it is not full
unplug when not in use
candles matches
sort and place
DO NOT THROW AWAY Glass Jars Plastic Tubs Clean plastic or paper bags Packing Boxes (roaches and spiders like to live and spawn here so find a solution that can prevent that) (this stuff can come in handy and be reused) (give it time, store it well, it will come to you)
live simpler lives
find better ways to entertain
don't wait - create
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Liberty or Death
Recently...I shouldn't say recently because this has been going on for some time, but increasingly more recently, the study of law both domestic and international are merging, but not for the sake of the wealthiest from a monetary standpoint, but from an idealistic standpoint due to so many issues that are gathering or surrounding the poorest of people. The issues are wide ranging, of course, but the narrow facts to solidify one issue from the next seem evasive suddenly because by arguing one issue the question of another issue comes into play or is asked and the issue then goes nearly undecided or watered down because all the issues begin to fill the arena where one issue is being argued. But, this is a natural formation when all of these issues are intrinsically attached and cannot be separated as we might think they should be.
For instance, let's say that Joe believes in property rights and he also believes that he should not be taxed by the government or his surrounding society for the things that he claims to own. However...(or should I say but?) However, the things that he claims to own are not just things that were manufactured by a company, they are land that was formed by nature and contain many minerals that companies would like to own or obtain for the purpose of manufacturing products that other people will then purchase and say that they own.
Now, this land that Joe says he owns because he bought with money (which is manufactured out of debt) fiat currency, (debt by which only other people forge the existence of through there future labor), can Joe then say he legally owns this land with such a currency? A currency that does not truly have a tangible value to it but by the sheer speculation of a future workforce that may or may not truthfully exist? What if that workforce is increasingly limited or dwindling? What if that workforce is not there to make certain that that currency has value in the future for which it is pledged? Can Joe say that he rightfully owns land based on a false or failing hope?
You answer that question, not for me, but for yourself.
The study of law has many philosophers from the past adding their input over centuries that have changed, through erosion and build up and rearranging of surface level thoughts. We can study the history of what made the laws of yesterday and maybe use them to show examples to a point now apparent, but we might not be able to rely on them as the basis for today's arguments regarding personal liberties or rights, because the landscape of all things has primarily changed.
To base a victory, of say American colonialists against the British Army (England) on the fighting with arms, artillery and supplies that were partly furnished by placing a people's future labor, in a distant land, in debt (as the French did to the people of France)loaning money to the colonists by way of the Frenchmen's labor may not be a true victory. The victory was seen as one taken by show of force in the America's but from the people of France's point of view it was at their expense and they therefore beheaded their King and Queen. The people of France's show of force in storming the castle and punishing the people responsible for the loans did not unequal the gruesome brutality of the war between the American colonialists and the British except in size. People lost their lives.
Louis the 16th and Marie Antionette were beheaded, the British were defeated, the colonialists became the new owners of the land previously occupied by the native American Indians and the banker's, the money changers who helped fund this entire fight went straight away without a scratch to their vaults and made their ROI deposits.
People got hurt, many people got hurt and many suffered except for the banker's who quite possibly made the whole affair possible and no one, to this day, is any the wiser for it. (except maybe me and possibly the banker's) And, surely, I would love to make all these facts separate from one another but I can't do that anymore. I see fabric now where I used to just pull at threads. And I cannot un-know it.
For instance, let's say that Joe believes in property rights and he also believes that he should not be taxed by the government or his surrounding society for the things that he claims to own. However...(or should I say but?) However, the things that he claims to own are not just things that were manufactured by a company, they are land that was formed by nature and contain many minerals that companies would like to own or obtain for the purpose of manufacturing products that other people will then purchase and say that they own.
Now, this land that Joe says he owns because he bought with money (which is manufactured out of debt) fiat currency, (debt by which only other people forge the existence of through there future labor), can Joe then say he legally owns this land with such a currency? A currency that does not truly have a tangible value to it but by the sheer speculation of a future workforce that may or may not truthfully exist? What if that workforce is increasingly limited or dwindling? What if that workforce is not there to make certain that that currency has value in the future for which it is pledged? Can Joe say that he rightfully owns land based on a false or failing hope?
You answer that question, not for me, but for yourself.
The study of law has many philosophers from the past adding their input over centuries that have changed, through erosion and build up and rearranging of surface level thoughts. We can study the history of what made the laws of yesterday and maybe use them to show examples to a point now apparent, but we might not be able to rely on them as the basis for today's arguments regarding personal liberties or rights, because the landscape of all things has primarily changed.
To base a victory, of say American colonialists against the British Army (England) on the fighting with arms, artillery and supplies that were partly furnished by placing a people's future labor, in a distant land, in debt (as the French did to the people of France)loaning money to the colonists by way of the Frenchmen's labor may not be a true victory. The victory was seen as one taken by show of force in the America's but from the people of France's point of view it was at their expense and they therefore beheaded their King and Queen. The people of France's show of force in storming the castle and punishing the people responsible for the loans did not unequal the gruesome brutality of the war between the American colonialists and the British except in size. People lost their lives.
Louis the 16th and Marie Antionette were beheaded, the British were defeated, the colonialists became the new owners of the land previously occupied by the native American Indians and the banker's, the money changers who helped fund this entire fight went straight away without a scratch to their vaults and made their ROI deposits.
People got hurt, many people got hurt and many suffered except for the banker's who quite possibly made the whole affair possible and no one, to this day, is any the wiser for it. (except maybe me and possibly the banker's) And, surely, I would love to make all these facts separate from one another but I can't do that anymore. I see fabric now where I used to just pull at threads. And I cannot un-know it.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Ryan - unite for the sake of our future_mpeg4.mp4
If we decide to say to monopolistic multi national corporations that they no longer own the resources of this world, they can no longer tax us, no longer pollute our environment, no longer reduce our ability to sustain ourselves. And we out number those who wish to stop us from sustaining ourselves. They make no sense at all to keep in power.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
The Tucumcari Trap
You get down on your luck, however that comes about. You wonder around trying to find a safe haven and you might find Tucumcari, New Mexico, find it sunny one day and think to yourself this could be the place. You give the man all your money and try to place a stake.
Well, laugh out loud. You fucked up again. The dream will never come true as you realize the sun disappears and the money is wrong and the people with the smiling faces are wearing masks. They are just plastic smiles on top a monster's ass.
"Damn it. Why am I here?" you ask.
And you start to see the sky above you, the earth around you and no one watching over you. It's a fucking funeral! You're inside the grave. All the residents from Tucumcari bring their shovels and throw dirt at you and yep, you guessed it, it's the Tucumcari trap you fell in.
Happy Dying!!!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
From All Sides
In a forum about a Resource Based Economic Model for the world, some questions came up.
Question #1
How can we afford to do this if we have all been robbed? (By banks and governments, of course)
How can you not afford this? Are you willing to see what they will take next in hopes for a few crumbs to feed on? I know I am answering the question with a few more questions, but you have to admit, you are wondering already. What more can they take from me?
Don't wait for anything. Abundance may seem unrealistic, but it is obtainable, as it was originally. What you need is to align with your neighbors, your friends. There are a number of groups and communities that you can reach even online that could fit your time frame, reasoning and areas of interest. Co-op housing, co-op solar farms, open source manufacturing and eco-systems. Everything can be found on line, tools can be shared and many, even under educated people can help organize. So there is really no excuse for scarcity any longer. There is no excuse for doing things the old way, waiting for someone else to do it for you. You are as free as you choose to be, so...
Question #2
Should I vote for Ron Paul or Mitt Romney?
Why vote at all? If voting actually changed anything, they would have made it illegal by now, don't you think? Look, no matter what you think, the banker's bitch is going to win. That is assured. When you switched from Republican to Democrat to vote for Obama because he was the one saying he was going to change everything, stop the wars, bring the troops home, give everyone healthcare and all that crap, as soon as he stepped into office, what did he do? He let the bankers whip him into shape. The banker's pulled a fast one on all of us and Obama had no choice but to make sure they came first, remember. You're just a measly minded voter, who cares what you think. Right? Besides, the United States of America is a corporation. Who listens to the workers of a corporation? It'a the shareholders of a corporation who get to vote because their money invested in that corporation and they get a cut of the returns, so if you are a citizen inside the corporation that is the U.S., you should be wondering, who are the shareholders that are voting your nation will lose and you out of a job and how high your taxes will be and how long you will be allowed to live? Who are these shareholders that hold your future in their hand? That's the question you should be asking.
Question #3
What is this Resource Based Economic Model for the world? How is science better for the world than politics?
Specifically, science has far more answers than you do anyway or your chosen political candidate. Who needs city resolutions that govern where you are allowed to plant trees on your property when science can tell you where is the best spot on your property to plant a tree and science can tell you which tree is best to plant, because it can analyze your soil and evaluate where the sun shines best and how much sun any plant should have. Elected officials don't know these things, they only make rules that help those contractors that have given them the most money to win your vote, so what kind of garden or yard do you think you can have with that?
I'll tell you what your yard will look like if you vote, a yard with nothing but grass you can't eat with political sign s posted at the curb. And you can't eat those either. Voting does not add abundance to any neighborhood. Just more rules, more taxes and less money and less food.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Sweetheart. It's always the same story isn't it? You say, "Let me take care of you...", but what you really want is for me to take care of you while you avoid taking care of me. This is why I chose not to rely on anyone's help, if I can help it. Because it's always bullshit. Always.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
The Lions in Rome
The suckiness that I have seen in my lifetime is pretty incredible. The trouble is, it's too common and either people ignore it, find something else to do to look away from it or blame it on someone else. That works out pretty good for those who are really in charge.
Where should I start this time...
Anywhere will do because almost any place I start leads me to a tale of woe, or whoa... A wise man once said, "This shit has got to go." I can surely second and third that.
Let's see...I spoke to my mother today and she hates to talk to me sometimes because it messes her life up and tears her up inside to know that one of her daughters is in so much pain and she cannot get to me. ALL part of the plan to divide and conquer though. People wait too long to do anything right, including me, so don't think I'm placing blame on her, whatever she thinks is right is right for her. Whatever you think is right is right for you and whatever I think is right is right for me. Right?
I thought it was right to leave my lying alcoholic boyfriend in the spring of 2008, because I saw the storm clouds coming and I thought, I must free myself from his fuckedupedness. He begged and pleaded with me, told me I was safe there. I laughed intill I cried. No one is safe, especially not with you, because you will drink your last dime and tell me everything is fine. And when it's all gone you will forget how to even smile. Believe me, I agonized about it for too long before I silently packed and planned my break out and went where ever the wind took me. Which wasn't far and into the hands of another alcoholic that had many of the same traits as he did.
Three o'clock, on the dot, open that bottle of booze and slap that grin on. Turn on the tellie and numb away the hours, repeating yourself over and over and over again. But, I wouldn't drink with her and play dress up, didn't follow along with the same politics. I spoke my mind once too many and soon she requested that I move. She made up some excuse, doesn't matter what it was, I knew it was because she decided she didn't like me. But, being a refugee is being ripe for the lions in Rome. You have no rights. You are worthless and deserve nothing because you do not have your own home.
Where should I start this time...
Anywhere will do because almost any place I start leads me to a tale of woe, or whoa... A wise man once said, "This shit has got to go." I can surely second and third that.
Let's see...I spoke to my mother today and she hates to talk to me sometimes because it messes her life up and tears her up inside to know that one of her daughters is in so much pain and she cannot get to me. ALL part of the plan to divide and conquer though. People wait too long to do anything right, including me, so don't think I'm placing blame on her, whatever she thinks is right is right for her. Whatever you think is right is right for you and whatever I think is right is right for me. Right?
I thought it was right to leave my lying alcoholic boyfriend in the spring of 2008, because I saw the storm clouds coming and I thought, I must free myself from his fuckedupedness. He begged and pleaded with me, told me I was safe there. I laughed intill I cried. No one is safe, especially not with you, because you will drink your last dime and tell me everything is fine. And when it's all gone you will forget how to even smile. Believe me, I agonized about it for too long before I silently packed and planned my break out and went where ever the wind took me. Which wasn't far and into the hands of another alcoholic that had many of the same traits as he did.
Three o'clock, on the dot, open that bottle of booze and slap that grin on. Turn on the tellie and numb away the hours, repeating yourself over and over and over again. But, I wouldn't drink with her and play dress up, didn't follow along with the same politics. I spoke my mind once too many and soon she requested that I move. She made up some excuse, doesn't matter what it was, I knew it was because she decided she didn't like me. But, being a refugee is being ripe for the lions in Rome. You have no rights. You are worthless and deserve nothing because you do not have your own home.
break out,
lions in Rome
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Mind Cracking

The vicious cycle keeps turning.
While I was a refugee in Chicago over the last winter, (it's a really long story) (remind me to tell it sometime) I was trying to crack through the brainwashed mind of my own son whom was not aware that international bankers controlled everything, from his immense stress over the debt of his college tuition to his worry over the drug addicted neighbor who he suspected was stealing his packages ordered from Amazon, to his father's home value being under water. I couldn't get him to listen or understand long enough. He just wanted to work his salary paid sixty hours a week while feeling insecure about losing it while he spent all of his free time collaborating with other creative artists on a web comic book. He just wanted to experience his new found freedom from parental controls.
Yeah. He has merged on from his parent controlled life to the invisible parents controlling his life out in the BIG world, and the entire time he thinks he has freedom to choose.
The Freedom of Choice
The freedom of choice. How sad that really is. People walking everywhere thinking they control their own thoughts, they control their own hearts and emotions, they control their own behavior without being adequately attuned to so many of the influences that surround them. (deep breath here)
What if science were to be the best decider, without a profit motive or need for money attached? What if science were to replace political debates? Would this really be replacing the human experience or spirit?
This is how I kind of imagine it would look. I am living in a fully equipped and environmentally safe structure and I am receiving the best medical advice from not doctors but my computer and suddenly an alert is displayed. It's not irritating, it's just a message. A severe weather warning. But, I don't have to run into a corner of the room or crouch inside a doorway, I just have to know why my apartment or housing structure is about to protect me by changing the window tint or locking up the open hatches by automatically closing them for me.
"Darn" I snap. "I wanted to go out and sit on the patio this morning." Damn, that scientific warning system from keeping me locked up inside. I could be out there getting battered by hail and thrown over by winds. This science is really getting on my nerves. "Oh well. I can't blame the weather. I guess I'll just go over to the image screen and turn on my choice of programming." And I decide to choose the image and sounds of the roaring fireplace. How quickly I can change my desires from warmth to warmth.
Is having the freedom to choose really the best thing for a person? That depends I suppose, on whom else or what else is helping me or influencing me to make my decisions.
A young girl is informed by her doctors (conveys what scientific tests reveal) that it will be a strain on her body if she carries her pregnancy full term. Her high blood pressure and diabetes could bring about her death during child birth (risk). But, she doesn't believe in abortion. She has been taught it is a sin to kill another human life while it is growing inside her (religion). She has already formed an attachment to the unborn child and would rather take her chances and give birth (unfounded).
Her parents want to save her, so they want her to make the safe choice, but she already made the unsafe choice by having sex without contraception. (religion and emotional influence from boy who wanted to have sex) Her own biological hormones influenced her to want to have sex also and is there a medication that numbs the body from wanting to have sex? Yes. It's your choice of anti-depressants.
Will science be allowed to make all human decisions in the future? Is that what is scaring the hell out of everyone who do not want to imagine what it would be like to get rid of ridiculous political banter and war creating border controls? Are you kidding me?
While money is the center point for border control and political parties and workers who want to work and the unemployed drug addict who can't work but needs money to sustain a drug habit and the wealth behind drug lords and the banker's bullet, what is the difference between choosing science for social concern with monetary backing and science for social concern without monetary backing?
Give me a few minutes and not only will I crack your noggin, I will scramble your brains. MMMMM. I'm feeling hungry.
choose your food,
freedom of choice,
mind cracking,
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